Young Partner's Plan

Young Partner's Plan
  • Faith
  • Patience
  • Truthfulness
  • Integrity
  • Wisdom
  • Prosperity
  • Protection

In the world today, each child and young person face great temptations and vicious allurements, which destroy their life. In order to protect them from all the evil influences, the Shri Sai Baba Prayer Operations Centre serves millions of broken hearted people who approach it for prayers, comfort, counselling, direction, training all the 24 hours daily. We pray that whatever donation a Young partner gives or is given on their behalf, be blessed and multiplied by our Lord to bless millions of people. May He take all those blessings that He gives the people and place it upon each Young partner to enable him/ her to enjoy a 1000 times increase of blessings in their life.

As you support the mission yourself or enroll your child as a young partner to support this mission as a young partner the shri sai baba has promised to bless your child according to the prayer.

  • Providing the blessing of wisdom and knowledge
  • Providing protection from the evils of the world
  • Providing a blessed future in one’s life

To make this happen the Prayer Intercessor in the Prayer Tower prays for each young partner once a day for this verse to be fulfilled by God in their life.

Sai Baba Blessings